Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Complaint Choir

This week, we have three extra class with Mami Kataoka, Senior Curator at the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo and International Curator at the Hayward Gallery in London.

First of all, I LOVE saying her name. I don't know what it is, but I really like the way Japanese sounds and I really like the rhythm of the language. KA-TA-O-KA. Fun!

Secondly, we get to talk about artists that she's currently researching for potential shows. I also really appreciate talking about Asian artists who aren't Chinese or Japanese (Korea represent!). I feel like in the art world, China and Japan are the big two, with China taking up more of the attention. Talking about contemporary Asian art has started to become a little monotonous.

And don't get me started on my beef with the Asian Art Museum.

Getting back to the class, Mami showed us a project called Complaint Choirs. It was formed by two artists based in Helsinki, but it's slowly becoming this larger project with others participating, similar to the way Learning to Love You More works.

We watched a few videos of the Complaint Choirs and I would highly encourage people to watch them all, but I have to highlight two here that I just loved.




1 comment:

FirstPersonArts said...

Hey, cool to see you writing about the complaint choirs! We're organizing one here in Philadelphia right now:

We'll start performing in early November, and our grand performance will be at the First Person Festival of Memoir and Documentary Art, November 15th. If you or anyone you know can make it to Philly, you should stop by and see a live performance!