Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This is huge.

This is the first time, since I've been able to vote, that the person I voted for President has actually won.

I am proud.

On a less exuberant note:
Right now, I'm anxiously watching the numbers for the San Francisco and California Propositions.

I have come to realize that PG&E bought Prop. H, misleading San Francisco residents on what Prop. H is actually about. PG&E made it about the Board of Supervisors (and since when was district representation such a bad thing?) and not about the actual issue at hand: Public Power. Given the choice, I'm sure San Franciscans would gladly pay less for power, but by voting no on H, they are giving money to PG&E. The irony is that Gavin Newsom wants to be the "Green" Mayor but by endorsing No on H, he just completely blew it.

I'm also terrified about Prop. 8. At 10:59pm, 31% of the precincts are in and it's 52% yes, 48% no. It's really close. I'm really really scared of it passing. I've gotten into a Facebook discussion about this with someone who is voting yes. He feels that Prop 8 is not discrimination. That domestic partnerships are the same as marriage.

Better yet, here are some direct quotes:

"The issue of discrimination has been unclear, and I would like to ask why Prop 8 is referred to as a way to discriminate against gays. Domestic partnerships already have near equal rights as married couples do, save the hospital issue."

"The Equal Protection Clause is directed more to protection of citizens of different races, because the Fourteenth Amendment was written during a time where people of African-American descent were being discriminated. However, the argument of no on 8 argues that besides equalizing citizens of different races, we should also equalize citizens of different sexual orientation. I think that there is a distinct line between race and sexual orientation."

He then said that discrimination is only applicable to physical attributes. WHAT THE FUCK?

"Discrimination is usually referring to physical things, and race is a very large attribute. However, sexual orientation is not a physical characteristic, it is a mental characteristic; that is, one has a choice of sexual orientation. Therefore, the argument that equalization of differently sexual oriented citizens is worlds away from equalization of citizens of different colors, which is perfectly legit."

Who is teaching him this?? I point out that plenty of people are discriminated against on basis of their religion, which is not physical.

Then he says this:
"To Jackie: There is no "discrimination" against different religions. There is just a different opinion of religion."

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH......what is THIS?? Oh Hitler just had a difference of opinion. La di da. It's this kind of thinking that I cannot wrap my mind around.

That said, I want to leave this entry on a more hopeful note: David Rees (he of the Get Your War On comics and My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable) posted a really inspirational entry on his blog. I'm encouraging people to read his entry but I want to post the same video here. This is Richie Havens performing The Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun."

1 comment:

travelin foos said...

Jackie! Nice blog sista. And I feel you on Obama, I was here in NZ by myself (Darren was at work and I don't know any other Americans here) drinking wine and crying when they announced he won. Too too happy.